
New Merit Badge Counselors

Posted by admin on Dec 2 2018 - 8:10pm
There has been a lot of interest in how to become a Merit Badge Counselor! So here's how to do it!
Please complete the following forms and/or trainings and return them to Diane Underwood by November 27th:
1) MB counselor training--available at www.my.scouting.org. Make sure you print the certificate of completion.
2) Youth Protection training--available at www.my.scouting.org. Make sure you print the certificate of completion.
3) Complete an Adult Application--MB counselor is a district position so you don't need the committee chair signature but you do need to be sure to fill out the info on the right hand side, that is used for the back ground check. The MB counselor position code is 42. Adult applications can be found at the committee table at the troop meetings.
4) MB counselor information sheet--https://filestore.scouting.org/filestore/pdf/34405.pdf This is where you indicate which badges you want to be a counselor for.
The list of current merit badges and requirements can be found at: https://www.scouting.org/programs/boy-scouts/advancement-and-awards/merit-badges/

Troop "Mailbox" System

Posted by admin on Oct 8 2018 - 1:11am

We have put together folders for each of the boys and adult leaders.  The "mailbox" will be on the Parent Table at each troop meeting.  These folders will be used to get correspondence distributed to the scouts (i.e. scout account balance info, campout permission slips, advancement paperwork, leftover patches from CoHs, etc.).  Scout folders are organized and color-coded by patrol.  Please check your scout's folder each week (or have your scout check their own).  If you have correspondence that needs to go to an adult leader who may not be present at the moment, feel free to drop it in their folder (i.e. popcorn order forms, campout permission slips, training certificates, etc.). 

Friendly Reminders for Troop Meetings

Posted by admin on Feb 18 2018 - 10:34pm

Friendly reminders..... 

Parents: When dropping off your scout to attend the weekly troop meetings, please check in at the parent service table for scouting updates (camp sign up, fundraising forms, etc.). Also, please be sure to arrive back at the church no later than 8:25 pm to pick up your scout following the meeting.

Uniform FAQ: Where do all these patches go?

Posted by admin on Apr 13 2014 - 7:02pm

The following link takes you to a pdf that talks about uniform inspections.  The bottom page shows proper patch placement.  Please keep in mind that your scout may not be eligible to wear all of these patches.

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